Rumor Mill: James Cameron and Angelina Jolie Teaming Up For “Cleopatra 3D”?
Sony is making big moves to sign two big names to their big budget 3D period piece about Cleopatra. Sony wants a marquee name to sell the film, and who better than Angelina Jolie? She, of course, possesses the right kind of beauty, and a sense of grace that is suitable to the character. The […]
Sony Pictures Casts Rhys Ifans as the Villain Lizard in “Spider-Man” Reboot
With each subsequent announcement by Sony, I get more and more sold on the Spider-Man reboot. At first, I understood the logic behind it (especially after the atrocity that was Spider-Man 3), but I didn’t think it was right to reboot so quickly. The studio quickly countered media people like me by hiring a quality […]
David Fincher’s “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” Hitting Theaters December 2011
Sony Pictures has set a release date for David Fincher’s take on The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, the film will be released into theaters December 21, 2011. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is an adaptation of the Steig Larsson book of the same name from his Millenium Trilogy. The film already has a […]
Rumor Mill: Josh Hutcherson Locked in to Play Peter Parker in “Spider-Man”
Back in February the internet was alight with rumors that Percy Jackson star, Logan Lerman, was set to play Peter Parker in Sony’s reboot of the Spider-man franchise. (Read the article here.) The rumors were proved to be false, and instead it turned out that the studio had just had a few talks with him […]
Popeye Is Going CGI and 3D Courtesy of Sony
Well, it is time to start stocking up on your spinach again folks. Popeye is back and bigger than ever after Sony has decided to develop a CGI 3D feature of the famous cartoon character. Producing the film will be Avi Arad, and Mike Jones will be writing the script. While no plot has been […]
“Spider-Man” Casting Rumors False, No Logan Lerman
Ever since the announcement back in January that Sam Raimi and star Tobey Maguire would not be back webslinging, the internet has obsessed over who would play the next wisecracking spectacular Spider-man. All kinds of names have been thrown around such as Joseph Gordon-Levitt to Zac Efron. None has gained more traction than Percy Jackon […]
Lionsgate Frontrunner in Ownership of Terminator Franchise
It isn’t set in stone, but Lionsgate has the best chance right now of being the next owner of the popular Terminator franchise. With a bid of $15m and 5% of gross receipts from any future movies made, the company may be getting a great deal on the large franchise who had a sizable hit […]
Marc Webb Directing New Spider-Man Franchise?
After the news that Spider-Man 4 was a no go, and that director Sam Raimi and star Tobey Macguire dropped out speculation started on who would be the new director. The (500) Days of Summer director Marc Webb (what a perfect name for the Spidey series), is apparently being courted by Sony Pictures to shoot […]
Sony Pictures accquires ‘Risk’
Believe it or not I have been playing a lot of Risk lately. There was an article on Digg, Reddit, or a site similar to it about free versions of Risk. So I downloaded one of said free versions and have wasted more time than thought possible playing the computer (always start with Australia). So, […]