“So You Think You Can Dance” Top 6 Recap
I’ve been watching “So You Think You Can Dance” for the last two seasons (basically because I’m a Reality T.V. junkie and I got bored one day), and I have been completely intrigued by the show ever since. I will fully admit that I am extremely uncoordinated and couldn’t do about 95% of the things […]
Updated: The Networks Announce their 2011-12 Premiere Schedule
NBC finally released their 2011-12 Television Premiere Dates The 63rd Primetime Emmy Awards air on Sunday September 18th at 7 PM on FOX to jump start the week of premieres on the network’s. The CW is starting a week earlier than everyone else with their Tuesday through Thursday Lineup. Nikita is moving to Friday’s to […]
FOX’s “American Idol” 2011 Season 10 Star Studded Finale
American Idol 2011 Season 10 Star Studded Season Finale (5/25/11) Who won American Idol Season 10? You’re going to have to wait a couple minutes to find out the answer to that question, if you haven’t already looked it up! The Season 10 Finale of American Idol featured performances from: Beyonce (solo and with the […]
FOX’s “American Idol” 2011 Season 10 Finale
American Idol Finale (5/24/11) The Performances Three songs tonight: The first being the contestants favorite from the season, second being the contestants idol choosing the song, and the third being their potential first single Set List First Song (Contestants Favorite) Scotty McCreery “Gone”- About as good as it was the first time. One of his […]
FOX announces Fall Lineup – ‘Glee’ and ‘House’ Renewed, ‘X-Factor’ Starts
Dead Lonestar The Good Guys Lie To Me Human Target The Chicago Code Traffic Light Breaking In (could change) Running Wilde Alive House Glee Fringe Bones Raising Hope The Simpsons Family Guy American Dad Bob’s Burgers The Cleveland Show Born THE X-FACTOR Simon Cowell returns to FOX in the award-winning international phenomenon The X Factor. This […]
FOX’s “American Idol” Results
American Idol Results (5/19/11) by Jeff Siler Okay I’m going to keep this short and simple. WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING AMERICA!!!! You just voted off the only original voice, Haley Reinhart, (pictured left in the competition) and now we are going to get a Finale featuring nothing but Unoriginal Country Artists who will […]
FOX’s “American Idol” Top 3 Performances
American Idol Recap 5/18/11 The Performances This week the Final Three performed three songs. One of their choice, One picked by Jimmy Iovine, and one picked by the judges. Set List First Song(Contestants Choice) Scotty McCreery “Amazed”- Wow Scotty chose a Country song…Shock of the century! I don’t like his voice all that much because […]
Tron Lecacy’s Olivia Wilde Image Gallery
I’ve been following Olivia Wilde’s progress for years now. It started with her turn in the Fox show The OC, and continued with strong performances in films like Alpha Dog, and her successful run on House M.D. verbally sparring with Hugh Laurie’s Dr. Gregory House. She has been on the cusp of super stardom for […]
Weekly Gleek Report – The “Glee” Rocky Horror Picture Show
Let’s say there’s a super popular TV show and a particular episode of said TV show is being hyped to the max (guilty as charged), what happens when that episode finally airs and the critics have to weigh in. If that TV show was Glee and the episode was The Rocky Horror Picture Show, this […]
Attention All Virgins: “Rocky Horror Picture Show”/”Glee” Bulletin
This past Friday I lost my virginity. Or at least that’s what Rocky Horror fans call it when someone sees their first midnight showing of the film…and in honor of the upcoming 35th anniversary of the movie that’s exactly what this writer did on Friday. I was lucky enough to witness the official New York […]