Film Review: ‘Sherlock Gnomes’ Starring James McAvoy, Emily Blunt, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Mary J. Blige, Johnny Depp
This must be the week for unnecessary sequels. Who would have thought the cute 2011 animated feature Gnomeo & Juliet, which tells the story of (you guessed it!) Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet through the lives of garden gnomes, would have ever spawned a sequel seven years later? Certainly not this guy. Sherlock Gnomes is the […]
123: ‘The Martian’ Box Office Report (10/2 – 10/4)
Paul Harris from KTRS joins us in the Think Tank for this week’s Box Office Report. The Martian took the box office by storm and we talk about how it made its way to the big screen. We also touch on The Walk, Harris’ involvement with Mississippi Grind, and the fact that Joe Pesci has […]
Movie Review: ’12 Years a Slave’ Starring Chiwetel Ejiofor, Lupita Nyong’o, and Michael Fassbender
It’s hard to pin Best Picture frontrunners at this point in the year. The end of the year bonanza of films is sure to throw a wrench into the awards plans of some of the superb films of early 2013, but it’s hard to imagine that 12 Years a Slave won’t be in contention. Director […]
Another Take From Zac: Film Review: Salt (Angelina Jolie)
Salt is an interesting film that twists your loyalties and features a great action turn by Angelina Jolie and while the film doesn’t knock it out of the park it is a pretty good grounding for the film’s larger goal. Evelyn Salt is a spy for the CIA who is winding down and about to […]
SALT Opens JULY 23! Enter to Win Passes to the St. Louis Advance Screening!
Salt Opens JULY 23rd NATIONWIDE. Starring Angelina Jolie, Liev Schreiber, Chiwetel Ejiofor Enter for your chance to win a pass, good for two! Synopsis: Before becoming a CIA officer, Evelyn Salt swore an oath to duty, honor, and country. She will prove loyal to these when a defector accuses her of being a Russian sleeper […]
New “Salt” HD Trailer Starring Angelina Jolie
I can’t believe that this was once a movie that had Tom Cruise in the lead role. I’m really glad they retooled it for a female lead, and that they hired on Jolie. Love her or hate her, she’s pretty solid in pretty much everything she does. It looks like she is channeling her inner […]
Roland Emmerich’s latest is a good fun premise and starts off as an entertaining little disaster movie quickly dives into head scratching plot holes and absurdity that doesn’t make sense at any turn. (Spoilers throughout, sorry they must be discussed) The plot of the film revolves around the supposed end of the world predicted in […]
‘Salt’ starring Angelina Jolie – HD Trailer
I’ve never really thought of Angelina Jolie as an action hero, but she seems to be convinced she is one. With roles in films like Tomb Raider, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and Wanted she seems to be solidifying herself as a bad ass female action hero. Although what I think is even more impressive about […]
The Decade’s Best – Children of Men (2006)
Alfonso Cuarón’s sci-fi, dystopia, adventure masterpiece is an under seen gem that you should discover