Speculation Nation: Tech News for the Week of 10.22.2012
The holiday season is fast approaching and the tech world is on the verge of announcing several major products that may define what consumers purchase in the coming months. This week we’ll take a look at the upcoming iPad Mini, Galaxy Note II and Windows 8.
Matt’s Journey to the Dark Side: An Android User’s Foray into iOS – Day 3
Coming into the third and final day of my iPhone experiment, I feel I’m really getting used to this phone as my “daily driver”. Swiping to unlock, launching certain applications and typing on the new keypad are all starting to feel familiar. While I haven’t been able to test every single feature available on the […]
Matt’s Journey to the Dark Side: An Android User’s Foray into iOS – Day 2
Day two of my experiment has seen some loss of luster as far as the iPhone goes. While any new gadget is cool on the first day, the second day is when the major flaws start presenting themselves. These flaws (as I see them) all seem to revolve around the idea of limited functionality. Let’s […]
Matt’s Journey to the Dark Side: An Android User’s Foray into iOS – Day 1
Disclosures With the introduction of the iPhone 5, the tech world has been abuzz with talk about the new features, the new hardware and the pitfalls of iOS. As a tech junkie, I try to follow as much of the tech news as possible, however in practice I have planted myself firmly in the land […]
iPhone 5 – Down & Dirty: Quick List of New Features
In what was perhaps the biggest tech story of the year, yesterday Apple announced it’s highly anticipated iPhone 5. While many believe that Apple is beginning to focusing more on evolution than revolution, the improvements to the new iPhone will surely be a welcome improvement to the 4S. Pricing remains the same: $199 for 16gb […]
How-To: Stream any Movie to your TV for $50 and a Wi-Fi Network
With the rising popularity of downloadable and streaming media, people are finding it less and less necessary to hoard massive collections of DVD’s and Blu-Ray’s. The main caveat being that portability is still a pain. Your PS3 or Blu-Ray player might be able to stream Netflix, but it can’t play downloaded media from the iTunes […]
Let’s Talk Evolution: 4G Cell Service in St. Louis
You’ve heard the buzzword before: “4G“. It sounds like something you want. All your friends have it. You have that one friend on Facebook that won’t shut up about it. But you like your phone. Why would you need extra geebee’s and wifi’s? I’ve already explained 4G LTE and what it means to us here in […]
HTC Makes Smartphone Shopping Easy: Buy a One X
For the year 2012, shopping for smartphones is pretty easy. Specifically, shopping for an Android smartphone is incredibly easy this year. For Apple’s iPhone, it’s been simple: buy the newest one. It’s always at the $200 price point, has the latest version of iOS, and will last you the entire two-year cellular contract. You can […]
Cellular Calls: This is Why I Drop (ATT 99% Call Reliability)
I was listening to the radio one fine evening and an interesting ad for AT&T came on the radio. “99% call reliability, but we can do better.” So only a 1% drop call rate? But isn’t AT&T the company that’s most widely known for dropped calls? Doing a quick Google search for “at&t dropped calls” […]
Sprint’s HTC EVO 4G LTE Passes US Customs Review: Release Date Revealed
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Sprint’s HTC Evo 4G LTE has passed customs and is aiming to get the phones in the hands of pre-orderers very soon. Continue after the bump for more details.