Movie Review: ANTEBELLUM Starring Janelle Monáe, Eric Lange, Jena Malone
With the success of wildly popular films like Get Out and Us, it seems that the increase in sociopolitical horror-thrillers is on the rise. This has created a genre of films that exist within those categories, yet offer an interesting perspective on the social climate surrounding race, gender, class, etc. The latest film to step […]
JURASSIC PARK Turns 27, A Look Back at the Film and Its Horror Roots
“Welcome to Jurassic Park.” In recognition of Jurassic Park Day, I want to revisit the iconic film and explore its horror roots! Dr. Alan Grant states at the beginning of the film, “raptors have far more in common with present-day birds than they do with reptiles.” Borrowing from Dr. Grant, the original Jurassic Park has […]
Review: ‘The Intruder’ Starring Meagan Good, Michael Ealy, Dennis Quaid
The Intruder is the kind of movie that I went into with little to no expectations, yet it still delivers even less. It’s this year’s Breaking In (review), in which we get a cookie-cutter home-invasion movie that serves us nothing more than cheap tricks. The plot is simple. Scott (Michael Ealy) is a young and […]
Movie Review: ‘The Call’ Starring Halle Berry, Abigail Breslin, Morris Chestnut, Michael Eklund
My mother always told me that if you didn’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all. Well, if I were to follow that rule then this would be a very short review. This flick was a complete disaster from the get go. It’s one bad thriller cliche after another and even […]
‘The Darkest Hour’ Trailer Starring Emile Hirsch
Synopsis: In Russia, a group of kids are on vacation when they end up in the middle of an alien invasion. These invaders end up absorbing any and all types of energy sources, even humans. It stars Emile Hirsch, Rachael Taylor, Olivia Thirlby, Joel Kinnaman Director: Chris Gorak Genre: Action, Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller Release Date: […]
Superbowl Special: Gleek Report “The Sue Sylvester Bowl Shuffle”
If there was any doubt that Glee deserved its three Golden Globes this year, the Superbowl episode promptly removed it. In its first episode back since early December, Glee capitalized on the biggest sporting/marketing event of the year by integrating football into its enormously popular formula. It even utilized the time honored tradition of beginning […]
“The Darkest Matter” HD Trailer
Synopsis: Space is a dangerous place for a child. When their colony ship is destroyed in deep space, Elaine Barrett, and a small group of children survivors find themselves marooned on a mysterious derelict space station. As time passes, and their chances for rescue dwindle, the weary children begin to turn on each other. With her […]
New Thriller “Elevator” Trailer
Synopsis: 9 people are stuck in a Wall St. elevator – one has a bomb. Starring: Anita Briem, John Getz, Shirley Knight Directed By: Stig Svendsen Genre: Thriller Release Date: TBD [hdplay id=274 width=595 height=375]
“Mother’s Day” HD Trailer
I have heard a lot of buzz about this film particularly from my brother who is a huge horror movie fan. The film has received a good word of mouth from those that have seen it at horror film festivals. After watching the trailer, I think it looks okay. Not much different from any other […]
The Hidden Gem – “Identity” Starring John Cusack, Amanda Peet
“The Hidden Gem” is all about my personal favorite films. And while some of the films I discuss may not be hidden to most movie fans, they are hidden to a majority of my friends and people that I have talked to. So I want to discuss them for three reasons: 1. Tell you why […]