‘Family Game Night 4: The Game Show’ Now Available! Enter to Win a Copy on Wii, PlayStation 3, or Xbox 360!
Your living room becomes the board and you are the controller in this larger than life experience. Now you’re part of the action! In FAMILY GAME NIGHT 4: The Game Show, you can experience the fun and excitement of the popular TV show right in your own living room!\ This time you’re playing with larger-than-life […]
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (Videogame Review)
After lots of hype and much Waiting, Ubisoft finally releases what promises to be the best Assassin’s Creed yet. “Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood” delivers what many had hoped wouldn’t be a disappointment. The second game in the franchise fixed what many saw as holes in the first game; but it left many thirsting for more. Brotherhood […]
Warner Bros. Making Video Game “Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters” To Coincide With Film
Warner Bros. is gearing up for the release of Green Lantern next summer, and they plan to capitalize on every aspect. They are working on a video game which ties into the film. I can’t say I’m surprised or entirely excited about the prospect. WB’s movie tie-in games don’t have a very good history, almost […]
E3 2010: Microsoft, Sony, & Nintendo Press Conference Reflections
So the biggest week of the year for the video game world is here and it started these last two days with the annual first party conferences where the Big Three unveil there plans for the year to come. With everyone still on a major console release freeze we are instead being introduced to the […]
Microsoft Introduces a New Slimmer XBOX360 at E3
XBOX360 is currently the hardcore gaming population’s choice for hardware, but since its released it has been plagued with problems. If you bought a XBOX360 in the first two years of its release, you could almost count on having the dreaded “Red Ring of Death” or RROD for short. Despite updates in hardware, the problem […]
Game Studio Set To Release “Jurassic Park” and “Back to the Future” Video Games in 2010!
Don’t worry, you read the title correctly. And no – you didn’t go back in time to the late 80’s or early 90’s. Sorry DIY DeLorean owners. Game developer “Telltale Games,” who would probably be best known for their recent “Monkey Island” and “Sam & Max” projects, is set two release video games this year […]
“God Of War 3” HD Trailer
The God of War series for the Playstation is about as epic as they get. Almost every hack and slash adventure game since the first one came out has tried to copy its success. However, it seems that no one can rival it. From the sheer magnitude of the boss fights, all the way down […]
Try GameFly Membership For FREE
As a GameFly member, you can rent as many games as you want and play them as long as you want for only $22.95 per month. Manage your own personal wish list of games, what we they call “My GameQ.” Check out 2 games at a time. When you’re done, send them back your games […]
“Fallout: New Vegas” HD Trailer
This new teaser trailer doesn’t show any gameplay, but it shows plenty of moody details to get you hyped for the release of Fallout: New Vegas which is set for release in the fourth quarter of 2010. BETHESDA SOFTWORKS ANNOUNCES FALLOUT®: NEW VEGAS™ SET FOR AUTUMN 2010 RELEASE Official Teaser Trailer for Fallout: New Vegas […]
“Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2” Trailer Looks Incredible! (XBOX360 / PS3)
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was easily one of my favorite games of 2008. It took the concept of the original COD games, and brought it to the next level. The controls were great, graphics were excellent, and the game play was just plain fun! So it is needless to say that myself, along […]