Movie Review: ‘Battleship’ Sinks Low Expectations, Packs a Ton of Action
I remember the exact moment that I heard Battleship was going to be made, based on the classic game of naval warfare. I was at the Tivoli, before a movie started, and I couldn’t help but to laugh at the idea. Sure, they took another great Hasboro property and turned it into a successful franchise […]
BATTLESHIP Opens May 18! Enter to Win Passes to the St. Louis Advance Screening!
Enter to win a pass good for two! Peter Berg (Hancock) produces and directs Battleship, an epic-scaled action-adventure that unfolds across the seas, in the skies and over land as our planet fights for survival against a superior force. Inspired by Hasbro’s classic naval combat game, Battleship stars Taylor Kitsch as Lt. Alex Hopper, a […]
Brooklyn Decker Talks About “Battleship” Post Production
Well in my opinion the film Battleship has two things going for it, Brooklyn Decker and Peter Berg. Peter Berg has directed two films I love in The Kingdom and Friday Night Lights. And Brooklyn Decker, well, have you seen her in a swimsuit. But can these two save a film? Brooklyn Decker recently talked […]
Rhianna Signed on to Star in Peter Berg’s “Battleship”
Rhianna is setting out to prove she can do more than just sing, after signing onto a starring role in Peter Berg’s upcoming action film, Battleship. In the film Rhianna will be joining Alexander Skarsgaard and Taylor Kitsch who have been attached to the project for a couple months. The project is based around the […]
Taylor Lautner is “Stretch Armstrong”
First disregard the fact that Lautner was not even a glint in his father’s eye when the original Stretch Armstrong was popular, but then think about the fact that they are actually producing a Stretch Armstrong movie. This is one of the many roles that Lautner has been rumored to be tied to as of […]
“The Losers” HD Trailer Starring Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Zoe Saldana
Talk about a trailer that has everything! It has great tunes from Eagles of Death Metal, a hot looking Zoe Saldana, Chris Evans looking like a prat, and a bad ass Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who is starring in yet another DC Comics movie. I’ve only ever read the first arc of The Losers, but it […]
Paul Greengrass quits ‘Bourne 4’
I recently just re-watched the whole Bourne Trilogy. Part of me feels that a trilogy should stay that way, but those movies have to be among the most entertaining of the decade. It is hard not to hope for another installment. I’m sure Matt Damon doesn’t want to be stuck doing the same character for […]
New 2009 Fall TV Shows – NBC
Hope your DVRs are ready folks! The new fall season is just around the corner. If you are anything like me I’m sure you’ll have quite a few new shows you want to watch, and I’m sure you will have some you want to avoid. Let’s take a look at the new Fall pilots for […]