Movie Review: BLACK ADAM Starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Aldis Hodge, Pierce Brosnan
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is the biggest action star in the world, and rightfully so. He’s made movies where he blows sh*t up, fires big guns, wrecks cars, jumped off buildings, fought domestic terrorists, defeated a giant ape and even went head-to-head with an earthquake. The man has done it all. So, it’s pretty clear […]
Movie Review: THE SUICIDE SQUAD Starring Idris Elba, Margot Robbie, Daniela Melchior
I’ve got a confession to make: I’ve been pretty burned out on comic book/superhero media. Sure, back when the Marvel Cinematic Universe hit its prime, I was fully on board. I loved the action and the visuals and the humor. I loved the Dark Knight trilogy, as Christopher Nolan is one of my favorite filmmakers. […]
Movie Review: ‘Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn’
Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn (which moving forward will simply be referred to as Birds of Prey,) is the latest installment in the DC extended universe. The film also marks the first major release of 2020 in the superhero/comic adaption genre, putting some extra weight on its shoulders. While […]
Movie Review: ‘Shazam!’ Starring Zachary Levi, Asher Angel, Mark Strong, Jack Dylan Grazer
I have a confession to make. I’m a little burned out on superhero movies. Now, hear me out. It’s not that I don’t enjoy them. They’re still pretty entertaining, and more often than not, I’ll still go to a theater to see them before they come out on Blu Ray. But I no longer really […]
Fox’s GOTHAM May Be Batman’s Best Spin-Off
For many decades, Batman has been one of the most popular and recognizable superheroes. He has been featured in endless comics, a number of different films, television, and animated adaptations, and several games. He has also been idolized by millions of children for the better part of a century. Furthermore, the world of Gotham City—the […]
The Longbox: Casting Wonder Woman for the DC Film Universe
It’s been awhile since you were treated to the meanderings and rants of this comic fan, but fear not!! I have returned! On this edition of “The Longbox”, I’m going to give you my thoughts and insights on the recent casting of Gal Gadot (Fast 6) as DC’s flagship female character, Wonder Woman. Was she the […]
Comic Review: Forever Evil #1 by Geoff Johns & David Finch
Forever Evil Written by Geoff Johns Art by David Finch & Richard Friend Colors by Sonia Oback It only took DC two years of the New 52 before they decided that they needed a company wide crossover. I give them credit for lasting that long. Spinning out of the events from “Trinity War” (a six […]