This is one of those movies that comes out of no where and smacks you in the face with how good it is. Control, by first time feature director Anton Corbijn (veteran of many music videos), knocks the rise and fall of Joy Division lead singer Ian Curtis. The movie starts with Curtis finding his […]
Lars and the Real Girl
Ryan Gosling is fantastic in this quirky, silly, and a bit ridiculous coming of age story. Lars is lonely, damaged, quiet, shy, and avoids human contact pretty much whenever possible. He in a normal job, living in the garage of the family house which is occupied by his brother(Paul Schneider) and his expecting wife(Emily Mortimer). […]
Gone Baby Gone
Another movie dealing with the loss of a child, this one excels on pretty much every level. Gone Baby Gone is an adaptation of the Dennis Lehane(Mystic River) novel by Ben Affleck in his directorial debut. I have always been a fan of Affleck and I am glad that he does a great job here […]
Reservation Road
This Oscar hopeful unfortunately falls short. Joaquin Phoenix and Mark Ruffalo star in this serious drama about the effect of a hit and run can have on the two parties involved; the grieving family and the runner. Ruffalo plays the runner and i good as always. Playing the tortured soul to a great effect, we […]
The Nightmare Before Christmas in 3-D
I’ll keep this one short. The Tim Burton produced stop-motion animated musical is a classic and one of the best of it’s kind. Jack Skelington tries to convince Halloweentown to throw Christmas instead of Halloween so Jack can feel something new in his life. I view this as a Christmas movie, but people celebrate this […]
The Darjeeling Limited
I need to start off this review with a disclaimer, I love Wes Anderson’s films, love, love, love them, and I love this one too, but I will try to be unbiased and will write this review with average movie fan and not as a Wes Anderson fanatic.So The Darjeeling Limited is a train, and […]
Dumbledore is Gay; not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Apparently when reviewing the script for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince J.K. Rowling came across a change from her book that she couldn’t let pass; similar to Kreacher almost getting cut from Order of the Phoenix. The writers added a past love interest for Dumbledore, in flashbacks, and Rowling sent them a note […]
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
What we have here is an amazing, gripping, and fantastically produced piece of cinema, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford is one of, if not the best, film I have seen all year. Now there is a lot of time left in the year, and a lot of good looking movies […]
Into the Wild
Sean Penn directs his first movie in six years and knocks it out of the park. Into the Wild follows the post graduate life of Christopher McCandless, an Emory graduate that decides to give up everything he has and set off on a life of tramping around the country in an attempt to rediscover himself.When […]
So it’s Tuesday, which means its time to buy some DVD’s. There were two on the menu today, the Two Disc Transformers and the second part of Grindhouse: Planet Terror.I decide to go to Target today to buy my movies, which is a bit odd for me as usually you will find me at Best […]