Review: ‘Okja’ starring Tilda Swinton, Ahn Seo-hyun, Jake Gyllenhaal, Paul Dano
The first great film of 2017 has arrived. Okja is everything a movie should be. The film will make you laugh, cry, and think. For those of you who don’t know about Okja, it’s a new film from Netflix. To think that Netflix could have a film that could contend for an Oscar for Best […]
97: ‘Love & Mercy’ Starring John Cusack and Paul Dano as Brian Wilson
This week we welcome Randy Raley, the owner and proprietor of Planet Radio. If you grew up in St. Louis you probably know him from his tenure at KSHE-95 or Kansas City folks might remember him from his time with KY 102. Either way he’s spent the better part of 40-years playing rock records (longer […]
14: ‘Prisoners’ Starring Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Paul Dano
This week on Reel Spoilers we take Prisoners… or take no Prisoners? Take on Prisoners? Hmmm… give me a second here. I’m trying to come up with some clever wordplay. But the movie is a gritty thriller about child abduction so all of our clever puns are pretty offensive. Even to us. And that’s saying […]
Movie Review: ‘Prisoners’ Starring Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Paul Dano
It’s hard to even fathom what it would be like to lose a child. One might argue that it would be even harder for one of your children to go missing, constantly battling with the thought of where they are and what is happening to them. No closure, just the never-ending struggle of living day […]
‘Prisoners’ opens September 20! Enter to Win Passes to the Advance Screening!
Enter to win a pass for two! From Alcon Entertainment comes “Prisoners,” a Warner Bros. Pictures’ release starring Oscar® nominees Hugh Jackman (“Les Misérables”) and Jake Gyllenhaal (“Brokeback Mountain”), under the direction of Denis Villeneuve, who helmed the Oscar®-nominated foreign language film “Incendies.” How far would you go to protect your family? Keller Dover (Hugh Jackman) […]
‘Looper’ Opens September 28! Enter to Win Passes to the St. Louis Advance Screening!
Enter to win a pair of passes! In the futuristic action thriller Looper, time travel will be invented – but it will be illegal and only available on the black market. When the mob wants to get rid of someone, they will send their target 30 years into the past, where a “looper” – a […]
Movie Review: ‘Ruby Sparks’ Starring Paul Dano and Zoe Kazan
The myth of Pygmalion permeates a good portion of Hollywood stories. The myth which tells the story of the sculptor Pygmalion, who uninterested in other women, creates the perfect woman out of ivory. After falling deeply in love with his creation, he begs Venus to bring his creation to life, and is granted his wish. […]
RUBY SPARKS Opens August 3 in St. Louis! Enter to Win Passes to the Advance Screening!
Enter to win a pair of passes! Calvin (Paul Dano) is a young novelist who achieved phenomenal success early in his career but is now struggling with his writing – as well as his romantic life. Finally, he makes a breakthrough and creates a character named Ruby who inspires him. When Calvin finds Ruby (Zoe […]
Knight and Day
The top of the A-list doesn’t go much higher than Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz. Both of the stars of Knight and Day have topped the highest paid actors list for their gender. Lately, through a series of missteps in PR both have seen their star status dim. Is this the beginning of a comeback […]
“Knight and Day” Trailer Starring Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz
I’m not a big fan of either Tom Cruise or Cameron Diaz. Tom Cruise has been riding the crazy train for years. Although, he did redeem himself a little with his role as Less Grossman in Tropic Thunder. Cameron Diaz has not done anything to interest me in a long time. So, I was a […]