38: ‘Noah’ Starring Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Anthony Hopkins
It’s Reel Spoilers #38 in which we learn that Noah is Aramaic for “bat-shit crazy”. Darren Aronofsky gives us a head-scratcher of, well…biblical proportions. And Tom rains down on upon us a plague of Bible and flood “jokes”. (See, there were two in that sentence alone.) All that plus Dan is this week’s contestant on […]
“Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of Psycho” Looking to Add More to Already Impressive Cast
“Psycho” is one of my favorite classic horror films. I just love the performance from Anthony Perkins even more with each viewing, and the film has infinite replay value for me. So I am very excited about the potential of this project. Not just because of the subject matter, but the star studded cast that […]
Another Take By Zac: Film Review: Thor
Thor is arguably in the running for the best Marvel movies yet and is a pretty much non-stop blast of action, fun, and humor from start to finish; lead by star making turns by Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston. Thor is a god, and the future king of Asgard, that wields a powerful hammer that […]
Qbert’s “Thor” Movie Review – Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins
In the interest of full disclosure you should know that I’m a comic book nerd. I’ve been collecting for well over 20 years. I have over 70 long boxes of comics. I used to manage a comic book store. I didn’t date in high school and I lived in my mother’s basement until I was […]
Review: “Thor” Starring Chris Hemsworth, Anthony Hopkins, Natalie Portman
Based on the popular Marvel comic series that started in the 1960s, “Thor” is the first really BIG movie of 2011. With it’s $150 million dollar budget, star-filled cast and plethora of special effects, it is also the most fun you are going to have at the theater this half of the year. And for […]
“Thor” Opens May 6! Enter to Win Passes to the St. Louis Advance Screening!
Enter for your chance to win a pass, good for two! Synopsis: Thor, a powerful but arrogant warrior, is cast down to Earth among humans where learns what it takes to be a true hero. IN THEATERS: May 6th, 2011 GENRES: Action/Adventure, Science Fiction/ Fantasy and Adaptation MPAA: PG-13 for sequences of intense sci-fi action […]
Review: Anthony Hopkins Stars in “The Rite”
Colin O’Donoghue stars as Michael Kovak, a seminary student having a crisis of faith in the new horror film The Rite. In order to help him overcome his doubt the seminary does what they normally do in situations like this – they ship him off to the Vatican and teach him to be an exorcist. […]
Movie Review: “The Rite” Starring Anthony Hopkins
I was nervous about The Rite months ago when I saw the trailer. I feel like the exorcism genre has really brought anything new and fresh to the table in some time. And I felt that Anthony Hopkins was playing a character we have seen before which there is nothing wrong with because he does it well. But […]
Another Take By Zac: Film Review: The Rite
The Rite is being all wrapped up to be the next exorcism movie but is in fact a meditation on psychology vs. demonic possession that is moderately interesting before it makes the decisions for you. The film is based on “real events” and follows a falling out of faith seminary student who is recruited to […]