Robin Hood
Ridley Scott and Russell Crowe reteam yet again for a new spin on the Robin Hood, a grounded origin story, and while I enjoyed much of the film there is a lot of things you catch yourself going; huh?. We all know the story of Robin Hood, right? Well Scott and Crowe take us on […]
The Decade’s Best – The Good Shepherd (2006)
Robert DeNiro’s epic origin story of the CIA is a superb spy film even if it isn’t what most people would picture a spy film is nowadays, with its feet firmly planted in truth and reality
Into the Wild
Sean Penn directs his first movie in six years and knocks it out of the park. Into the Wild follows the post graduate life of Christopher McCandless, an Emory graduate that decides to give up everything he has and set off on a life of tramping around the country in an attempt to rediscover himself.When […]