Massive Character Changes at Marvel Comics
Ever since the “Marvel Now” initiative went into effect, The House of Ideas has been taking risk after risk with some of their most popular characters. They “killed” Peter Parker and replaced him with Otto Octavius, stripped Wolverine of his healing factor, brought the original 1960’s X-Men into the present time, and even did a Battle […]
New ‘Iron Man 3’ Character Poster w/ Tony Stark and Pepper Potts (Robert Downey, Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow)
With the release of the newest trailer yesterday, it seems the internet can’t stop talking about Iron Man 3. And rightfully so – the movie looks awesome. We have already seen an arsenal of posters for the third installment in Marvel’s flagship superhero franchise, but that doesn’t mean we can’t use one more. Here is […]
Joss Whedon’s “The Avengers” Gets a Release Date has learned from Paramount Pictures that the Marvel Supergroup film, The Avengers, is on track to start filming in February of 2011, and the film will be released May 4, 2012. The film which is being directed by Joss Whedon, whose only film credit is 2005’s Serenity, and will star Robert Downey Jr. as […]
2010 Summer Movie Preview – May
Here at ReviewSTL we know you like to see movies, and you want the inside scoop. So, we are here to give you the inside track on the jam packed summer movie season. We are going to take a look at all the major releases, and a few of the limited releases. We will be […]
“Iron Man 2” IMAX Experience HD Trailer
Nothing really new in this trailer. It is just a condensed version of the other trailers. (See the links at the bottom) There are a few new things in this trailer, but I wouldn’t expect too much from it. I’d look at our other coverage. Synopsis: The world is aware that billionaire inventor Tony Stark […]
New “Iron Man 2” Full Clip of Stark Expo Online!
Is the anticipation for this movie palpable or what? Who would’ve guess that a second tier Marvel character would be the draw of the summer? Geeks like me knew who Tony Stark and Iron Man were before the previous film, but how many others did? Iron Man has made his way to the A-list, and […]
“Iron Man 2” Featurette Featuring Thor?
The internet is all abuzz about a featurette about Iron Man posted on MSNFrance last week. For a split second there is a man shown getting his picture taken in a jail cell when Tony (Robert Downey Jr.) is walking through. The man looks suspiciously like Chris Hemsworth, the actor hired on to be Thor […]