Movie Review: ‘White House Down’ Starring Channing Tatum, Jamie Foxx
I’m a huge Roland Emmerich fan. I want this to be known. Some of my all time I-can-watch-this-a-thousand-times movies are his. Some of his great action-story films like Independence Day and The Patriot hold special places in my nostalgia bank. Heck, nothing beats watching his crazier over the top what-if films like The Day After […]
ANONYMOUS Opens October 28! Enter to Win Passes to the St. Louis Advance Screening!
Enter for your chance to win a pass, good for two! Set in the political snake-pit of Elizabethan England, “Anonymous” speculates on an issue that has for centuries intrigued academics and brilliant minds such as Mark Twain, Charles Dickens, and Sigmund Freud, namely: who actually created the body of work credited to William Shakespeare? Experts […]
Reboot Mania: “Godzilla” Coming Back Bigger Than Ever
If there is an ultimate monster in film making, it has to be Godzilla. King Kong is right up there, but Godzilla has cropped up through the years so often that he seems almost immortal. Unfortunately, the last time a Godzilla movie was released, the high expectations were quickly dashed. Roland Emmerich’s disaster meets monster […]
Roland Emmerich’s latest is a good fun premise and starts off as an entertaining little disaster movie quickly dives into head scratching plot holes and absurdity that doesn’t make sense at any turn. (Spoilers throughout, sorry they must be discussed) The plot of the film revolves around the supposed end of the world predicted in […]
Enter to Win Passes to ‘2012’ at the St. Louis Advance Screening
ReviewSTL invites you to enter to win passes to the St. Louis advance screening of “2012” Enter for your chance to win a pass good for two! OPENS NATIONWIDE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH Synopsis: Never before has a date in history been so significant to so many cultures, so many religions, scientists, and governments. 2012 is […]
Zombieland and 2012 Trailers!
Roland Emmerich does one thing extremely well, DESTROY SHIT, and this might be the best bit of that he has ever done. The trailer looks very silly and ridicuolusly fun and color me intrigued and ready for this one to come out; it should be a grand old time. And John Cusack Rocks! Check out […]