ReviewSTL Podcast Episode 10: Best and Worst Films of 2013
In honor of Blake returning to the land of the living, we toss back some drinks and listen to the story of his journey through Hades and back… Just kidding. This week, we tackled what we considered our favorite films of the past year. 2013 had no shortage of quality films, and we were all […]
ReviewSTL Podcast: Wrestling Episode 1 – “OH YOU DIDN’T KNOW?! Your iPod Better Call Somebody!”
Ladies and Gentleman, Boys and Girls, Children of all ages, ReviewSTL proudly brings to you…….. Our first all wrestling podcast! On this episode, I (Joe) am joined by Kevin Brackett, Jeremy Housewright, and the Dynamo Pro Heavyweight Champ – Jake Dirden! With this being our first show, we just wanted to give you fine listeners […]
ReviewSTL Podcast Episode 7: Halloween Movies – ALIEN, HALLOWEEN, NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD and THE SHINING
It’s that time of the year again, when we break out the horror films and choose which of our favorites put us in the Halloween spirit. At least Joe doesn’t pick Jason X. The guys discuss classics like Alien, Halloween, Night of the Living Dead and The Shining – and also touch on The Thing […]
ReviewSTL Podcast Episode 6: Superhero Movies Part 2 – Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
This week on the ReviewSTL podcast, our heroes continue their journey though the Superhero genre of film. This time, they make a pit stop into the world of everyone’s favorite wall crawler, Marvel’s own (actually Sony owns the film rights, but you get what I mean) The Amazing Spider-Man! Spidey debuted on the big screen […]
ReviewSTL Podcast Episode 4: Superheroes (Batman, Superman, X-Men)
Let’s face it, we all love superheroes. Whether it’s because of their incredible feats or their perpetual devotion to saving us mere mortals, we can’t help but admire those men and women in Spandex. In Episode 4 of the ReviewSTL Podcast, we discuss some of the more prominent superhero movies to grace the screen in […]
ReviewSTL Podcast Episode 3: Popcorn Flicks (Pacific Rim, The Matrix, Independence Day)
Warm up the oil, get the butter and salt ready – today we’re talking popcorn flicks! In honor of Pacific Rim, one of our favorite big-budget movies of the summer, we decided to discuss some of our favorite blockbusters! In episode number 3, we talk about the buddy cop genre and classics like 48 Hours […]