“Your Highness” HD Red Band Trailer Starring James Franco, Danny McBride, Natalie Portman, and Zooey Deschanel
I doubt anyone reading the names at the top of this would have guessed any of these actors (excluding Danny McBride) would be in a film like this, especially when you consider the fact Natalie Portman and James Franco both have a good shot at Best Actor and Actress category this year. Although, Franco and […]
New “Machete” HD Red Band Trailer From Robert Rodruigez
Yesterday at Comic Con 2010, the new HD red band trailer for Robert Rodriguez’s “Machete” was released. One word – “Amazing.” The films spawns from the faux trailer that was shown in-between “Planet Terror” and “Death Proof” during 2007’s “Grindhouse” double-feature. The synopsis for the full-length feature is as follows: After a violent shakedown from […]
“Centurion” HD Red Band Trailer Starring Dominic West, Imogen Poots, and Michael Fassbender
I have to admit the first thing I looked at was the description of the trailer, and I laughed at the name Imogen Poots. Sometimes, I feel I was cursed with a weird last name, but then people like this come along and make me feel much better about my own surname. Although, Imogen Poots […]
2010 Summer Movie Preview – May
Here at ReviewSTL we know you like to see movies, and you want the inside scoop. So, we are here to give you the inside track on the jam packed summer movie season. We are going to take a look at all the major releases, and a few of the limited releases. We will be […]
“Get Him To The Greek” Red Band Trailer
I’m calling it right now, this movie is going to have people split down the middle. It will all come down to if you like Russell Brand’s brand of comedy. Jonah Hill and the rest of the Apatow gang that appear in the film will probably be enough to entertain people. Although, Brand has a […]
Brand New Set of “Kick-Ass” Posters
With only a little more than a month to go until the wide release of Kick-Ass, the people behind it seem to be continuing their marketing onslaught to the internet. It seems they give us something new to drool over every week. With the amount of clever marketing they are doing, I’ll be surprised if […]
Zombieland Red Band – HD Trailer
Every time I see a new trailer for this I laugh more than the last. Woody Harrelson looks great as the hillbilly with a flair for zombie killing. Jesse Eisenberg still looks a bit of a Michael Cera stand-in to me, but hopefully once I see the film he will seem set apart a bit […]
The Goods: The Don Ready Story Red Band Trailer
Who is Don Ready? Salesman? Lover? Song Stylist? Semi-professional dolphin trainer? Ready is all of the above, except for a dolphin trainer. When he’s asked to help save an ailing local car dealership from bankruptcy, Ready and his ragtag crew descend on the town of Temecula like a pack of coyotes on a basket full […]