Favreau and Downey attached to ‘Cowboys and Aliens’
Wow, what a long running project. This has been in the works for 12 years. The concept sounds cool, and they keep adding to the project people I like. They start by having the Lost/Star Trek writers penning the script, then they give me the star and director of Iron Man. Personally, I think someone […]
New IRON MAN 2 Footage Receives Standing Ovation at Comic-Con 09
Saturday at Comic-Con, Jon Favreau (director of IRON MAN) showed some footage from the upcoming comic book film, IRON MAN 2. According to Variety, Favreau started off showing some pretty crappy footage, which still managed to get the audience pumped, until Robert Downey Jr. came out on stage yelling “This is bullshit!” The real footage […]
First Picture of Mickey Rourke from Iron Man 2 Released
The first picture of Mickey Rourke playing Whiplash, in John Favreau’s upcoming sequel to the smash hit IRON MAN, has been released. Favreau tells USA Today that in the film, Whiplash (AKA Mark Scarlotti) has constructed his own version of the Iron Man suite. He says that “The technologies are definitely related…that’s part of the […]
Terrence Howard Dropped From Iron Man 2 for Cheadle
According to Parade.com, Terrence Howard is furious about being dropped from Iron Man 2. And who could blame him? Howard played along side Robert Downey Jr. in last years blockbuster as Lt. Col. James Rhodes. The decision that was made had to do with a salary dispute between Howard and Marvel. In the Iron Man […]
Scarlett Johansson joins Iron Man 2 as Black Widow as Well
But apparently Marvel has scrwed her in the process as she is getting low balled and is forced to appear in subsequent films. Either way, she is replacing Blunt who was stolen by Fox due to contract obligations from the role. Johansson joins an already huge cast that recently added Mickey Rourke last night but […]
Mickey Rourke in Iron Man 2
No word on who he will play yet, that rumor has spun a million different ways, but Nikki Finke is reporting that the man will for sure be in the Jon Faverau directed sequel. This cast is getting pretty solid with Sam Jackson’s Nick Fury almost a lock to appear, Don Cheadle replacing Terence Howard, […]