Film Review: ‘Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi’ Starring Daisy Ridley, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Adam Driver
The Force Awakens was a colossal success for Disney/LucasFilm in 2015. It opened to record-shattering numbers and currently sits as the highest grossing movie domestically of all time at $936million (third worldwide at a little over $2billion). Being Star Wars and having that kind of success (especially after following the stigma that lingers over the […]
Nerd Alert: ‘Dark Vador’ Burger Invades France for ‘Phantom Menace 3D’
Your immediate response to the headline and ad above should be as follows: Who the hell is “Dark Vador?” Why is there a Star Wars-themed burger? Someone invading France is old news. Seriously? Phantom Menace in 3D? For frick’s sake… The silliest Star Wars film of all time, The Phantom Menace, will be re-released in […]
Rumor Mill: George Lucas Planning New Set of “Star Wars” Sequels
Late last week the internet was flooded with reports from a “ultra top-secret Lucasfilm insider” that George Lucas was planning yet another Star Wars trilogy, but this time set after the events of the original trilogy, and not focusing on the lives of the Skywalkers. As you can guess numerous neckbeards across the universe gasped […]
E3 Trailer: The Force Unleashed 2: “Betrayal” Full Cinematic HD Trailer
The Force Unleashed was a game with high potential, but it failed to live up to expectations. It wasn’t that the graphics weren’t great, because they were. The story itself wasn’t much of a problem either, in fact it was probably the most lauded critical aspect. However, the game was highly repetitive, and not very […]