25: ‘The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug’ Starring Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage, Benedict Cumberbatch
After a week off Reel Spoilers is back and more spoilery than ever. This week it’s all about The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. Here’s a little Tolkien trivia for you. Did you know that Wikipedia describes Smaug as a “fictional dragon”? This can only mean that dragons are real! Holy shit! It must be […]
12: ‘Riddick’ Starring Vin Diesel, Katee Sackhoff and 5 Minutes of Karl Urban
Vin Diesel willed a new Riddick movie into existence and we tackle it this week on Reel Spoilers. It’s one of the odder cinematic experiences of the year…and that’s not a compliment. Also, it’s story time once again as Tom tells/bores us with what Monday Night Football, a cartoon rabbit, and Riddick have in common. […]
30 Movies Featuring the Workplace, In Honor of Labor Day Weekend
This week is pretty light on new releases. So instead of basing a list around another film that’s open (as is are usual ritual) we are instead building a list for the holiday – Labor Day. And, as it turns out, we cast a pretty wide net. As Tom & Dan (not be confused with […]
8: ‘Elysium’ Starring Matt Damon, Sharlto Copley
This week on Reel Spoilers we bust out our flux capacitors and travel forward in time to 2154 for Neill Blomkamp’s latest work, Elysium. Blake and Dan were gone this week, so we brought in intrepid Asian reporter Tricia Takanawa Steve to discuss the film. He does such a fine job, you won’t even notice […]
7: ‘2 Guns’ Starring Mark Wahlberg & Denzel Washington
This week on Reel Spoilers our heroes break out their passports, lock and load their hand guns, and head south of the border so we can spoil 2 Guns. Check out Blake’s review of 2 Guns. We’ve made it 7 episodes and they haven’t canceled us yet, so we must be doing something right. Denzel Washington isn’t […]
Movie Review: ‘Blackfish’ Documentary on Whales and SeaWorld Opens Today at Landmark Plaza Frontenac
“When you look into their eyes, you know somebody is home. Somebody’s looking back.” – John Jett, Former SeaWorld Trainer Those words, spoken by a former trainer in Blackfish, drive home a point that many, many people can easily forget – this is not a person in a costume, not an animatronic figure that is […]
1: ‘Man of Steel’ Starring Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Michael Shannon
Zack Snyder’s highly anticipated Man of Steel opened to large box office returns a couple of weekends ago, but critics were split down the middle. Although audiences seem to be enjoying the reboot, which once again aims to jump start the Superman franchise, it currently sits at 56% on Rotten Tomatoes. In the inaugural episode […]