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6 Movies About Home Invasions, In Honor of ‘You’re Next’
Movie #4 – The Resurgence – The Strangers
Year – 2008
Directed by Bryan Bertino in 2008, The Strangers was the catalyst to the new, home-invasion-by-masked-marauders genre. Starring Liv Tyler and Scott Speedman, the film was billed as being “inspired by true events” which, in reality, boils down to a series of home break-ins that Bertino remembered from his childhood, as well as some aspects of the Manson family killings. So they may as well have said “inspired by some random things the director remembered… And the fact that some masks are just gawddang spoooooky!”
Not the most technically profound bit of horror, psychologically or otherwise, The Strangers does manage a few good scares simply by touching a nerve with the randomness of the violence invoked by the antagonists.
And the spooky masks.
Pretty much just because of the spooky masks.
A sequel is set to be released in 2014, though it remains to be seen if the film will it the theaters or head straight to video to invade homes across America and beyond. – DG