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The Longbox: Casting Wonder Woman for the DC Film Universe
When it was announced that both Superman and Batman were in the Man of Steel sequel, it was clear that DC and Warner Brothers were gearing up for the Justice League movie. They were already 5 years behind Marvel (Iron Man in 2008) and seeing the massive success Disney and Marvel (Avengers in 2011) were enjoying together, the powers that be knew what had to be done.
With the revelation that Wonder Woman will also be in the movie, one must wonder if Warner Brothers is packing too much into one movie. I think they are (especially now that Nightwing might also be in the flick). Why not focus on the two main characters of the movie? Do we need a third hero? Why can’t they just give Wonder Woman her own movie? It would make sense if they use her appearance in Man of Steel 2 as the bridge to the next movie, but that doesn’t appear to be the plan. Again, nothing has been revealed as far as the plot of the movie, and this is all speculation.
We’ve seen just how far a movie can go off the rails when you throw too many characters on screen at the same time (Batman & Robin, Spider-Man 3, X-Men 3). We’ve also seen how amazing a movie can be when an ensemble cast works perfectly (The Avengers). I just hope DC and Warner Brothers know what they’re doing here. They have the potential to have the top grossing of all time on their hands. Let’s just hope they don’t fumble on the one yard line.
That’s my take on the Wonder Woman casting and the updated Justice League cast, but I want to hear what you think. Do you like the choice? How will this play into the next movie? Will we see any more cameos from future characters? Leave your comments below and continue the discussion.