The Long Box: Comic Reviews: Fury MAX #9, Uncanny X-Men #1, and Batman #17
This week, we’ve got war, fugitive mutants, the Bat, and The Jester. Quite a lot if you ask me. FuryMax #9 Written by Garth Ennis Art by Goran Parlov I haven’t talked about this book because I was unsure how to convey just how much I have been loving it. Garth Ennis (The Punisher & Preacher) writing about an […]
Pick of the Week for September 12, 2012 – Batman #0
Pick of the Week for September 12, 2012 – Batman #0 Story by Scott Snyder Art by Greg Capullo Back-up Story by James Tynion IV Back-Up Art by Andy Clarke It’s been a year since the New 52 reboot, and DC has now launched “Zero Month” – every title is getting a […]
Rumor Mill: Joseph Gordon-Levitt Playing The Riddler in Christopher Nolan’s “Batman 3”
It has been rumored for a while that the next villain for the sequel to The Dark Knight would be none other than The Riddler. Why wouldn’t it be? The Riddler fits in perfect with Nolan’s take on the world of Batman. He has ulterior motives that could surface just as easily in the real […]