ABC reveals their 2012-13 Lineup
ABC kept with the ongoing theme of shows pretty much staying in the same place they were last season. Some shows did make moves with “Happy Endings” and “Don’t Trust the B- in Apartment 23” will now be paired together on Tuesday Nights (as opposed to the Wed 8:30 slot they shared this season). Two […]
Season Recap (Part 1)
This week started the parade of season and series finales. The most surprising Series Finale for me was “The Secret Circle” because it was one of the better rated shows on The CW and they still decided to pull the plug on the show after it Freshman Season (I’ll give a complete season recap of […]
Weekly T.V. Reacp: 10-24 through 10-30
This past week featured quite a few impressive episodes from all of the shows that I am watching (all 35 or so). When it came to Network Television that majority of the sitcoms featured their “Halloween” Episodes while the Drama’s had their normal run the mill episodes. In the field of Drama- Revenge had a […]
Weekly T.V. Recap / Cut List: 10-17 through 10-23
On a week to week basis the shows on Television continue to have more ups and downs than most elevators. The sitcoms are the most consistent out of all the shows that are on, but this season isn’t much better that last season was in general. I’ve fully admitted that I’m only watching new Dramas […]