Tag: neil gaiman
Marvel Announces New “Miracleman” From Morrison & Quesada
Over the past year, Marvel has been releasing reprints of Miracleman (every issue has been out of print for the past 20 years) from British publisher Eclipse Comics. The book was written by Alan Moore and featured art from Alan Davis, Garry Leech, Chuck Austin, Rick Veitch, and John Totleben. Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham would pick […]
“Burke and Hare” Trailer Starring Simon Pegg and Andy Serkis
I, like any self-respecting geek, am a huge fan of Simon Pegg. He’s one of those celebrities that all geeks love (along with Joss Whedon, Neil Gaiman, etc.), and when you pair him with the amazingly versatile Andy Serkis (Smeagol/Gollum for those not in the know), and the stunningly beautiful Isla Fisher, and you’ve got […]