Avatar – Movie Review
Twelve years after Titanic, James Cameron returns with the eagerly anticipated Avatar. Set in the year 2154, a Haliburton-esque company named SECFOR is mining the planet of Pandora for a rock-like natural resource that is extraordinarily valuable on Earth. However, they have run into problems with the Na’vi, an indigenous people inhabiting the world. They […]
Will Ferrell to Star in Indie ‘Everything Must Go’
Will Ferrell in an indie comedy? Sign me up. I don’t think this is an indie film that will push Ferrell’s comedy further, but hopefully it will take him out of his comfort zone enough that he gives us another Stranger Than Fiction like performance. I was just having a discussion with someone the other […]
Land of the Lost
So, this summer has already seen one remake of an older series with slightly cheesy effects. We all remember how that turned out? Well, did Land of the Lost turn out as well? Ah, well that might be a bit of a debate for some. Dr. Rick Marshall is a scientist who has been laughed […]
Win FREE Passes to LAND OF THE LOST St. Louis Screening
ReviewSTL.com invites you and a guest to attend a special advance St. Louis screening of LAND OF THE LOST. Enter for your chance to win a pass good for two! Screening is on Tuesday, June 2 @ Ronnie’s 20 Cine NO PURCHASE NECESSARY OPENS NATIONWIDE MAY 29! Here is how you enter the drawing: ReviewSTL […]
Land of the Lost HD Movie Trailer | Will Ferrell
The new HD trailer for “Land of the Lost” starring Will Ferrell.
The Summer of Too Many Movies
The first thing you might think is, is that possible? Too many movies? Well I believe it might be for most people. Let’s take a look at all the big potential blockbuster’s this summer. May 1st – X-Men Origins – Wolverine Wolverine is the first big blockbuster type film of the summer. It will be […]