Movie Review: CHERRY Starring Tom Holland, Ciara Bravo, Jack Reynor
Coming off their massively-successful achievement of Avengers: Endgame, the Russo Brothers (Joe and Anthony) release their latest film to Apple TV+ on March 12. Cherry, based on the 2018 novel of the same name by Nico Walker, follows the titular character (based on Walker’s real-life experiences) as he navigates his life pre and post-military service, […]
Movie Review: ‘Midsommar,’ Starring; Florence Pugh, Jack Reynor
Midsommar is the second film by writer/director Ari Aster, after his debut last year with the incredibly haunting Hereditary. The latter was one of my favorite films of last year (review) so naturally, when it was revealed that Aster was already looking to release his sophomore film in 2019, I was already incredibly intrigued. Hereditary left […]
Movie Review: ‘KIN’ Starring Myles Truitt, Jack Reynor, Dennis Quaid
KIN tells the story of a fourteen year old boy named Eli (Myles Truitt) who happens to be in possession of what appears to be alien weaponry. After his trouble-ridden brother, Jimmy (Jack Reynor), comes home from a stint in prison, he’s short of the sixty thousand dollars he owes local gangster Taylor Balik (James […]
49: ‘Transformers: Age of Extinction’ Starring Marky Mark
If you’ve enjoyed the episodes where we hated that week’s movie then boy are you in for a treat. This week it’s all about Transformers: Age of Extinction. Transformers is the Nickelback of film franchises. Critics hate ’em but they keep making money. Well… we are critics. So critique we shall. Or perhaps “criticize” is […]
Movie Review: ‘Transformers: Age of Extinction” Starring Marky Mark
Michael Bay is a bit of a conundrum. His films are consumed greedily by audiences, and near universally panned by critics. Even the critics who give his films a pass do so begrudgingly. Transformers: Age of Extinction could get a 0% on Rotten Tomatoes and it will still likely be one of the biggest releases of the […]