Comic Book Commentary: Horror Comics
In the 40’s and 50’s, the comic book industry was riding a massive wave of popularity. DC Comics had taken off with the introduction of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, etc. Other companies were flourishing as well but for completely different reasons. The biggest of these companies was EC Comics or Entertaining Comics. They began a […]
Ron Perlman Gives Details About “Conan”, “At the Mountains of Madness”, “Hellboy 3”
Who would have thought the man talked so much. As we all know, Mr. Perlman is one of the busiest men in Hollywood despite not having the most recognizable name in the country. He is constantly doing voice work for video games or animated tv shows as well as his show Sons of Anarchy on […]
Weekly Top Five – Favorite Ron Perlman Films
Ron Perlman hits theaters tomorrow with the medieval horror film Season of the Witch. I decided that instead of going through Nicholas Cage’s best hairstyles for the top five, we could just do Mr. Perlman’s best films. Let me first start by saying that this is only his film work. Perlman turned in some great […]
Guillermo del Toro’s Upcoming Projects
I’m a huge fan of Guillermo del Toro. In my opinion, “Blade II” is the best in the trilogy. “Hellboy” was great, and the sequel is one of my favorite comic book films. He also produced “The Orphanage,” which I think is a horror film that more people need to see. Del Toro is currently […]
Hellboy II: The Golden Army
Guillermo del Toro returns to the comic franchise Hellboy and he has crafted a fantastical, action packed, and hilarious film that is the best live action entry of the Summer and possibly the year.I can not sing the praises of this film enough. This film opens with a young Hellboy being read a bedtime story […]
Archival Review: Hellboy: The Directors Cut
Hellboy is an excellent comic adaptation for Guillermo del Toro, with Hellboy being one the funniest and most original superheroes ever created. Professor Broom (John Hurt) is a paranormal adviser to FDR during WWII and leads the investigation of the Nazi’s pursuits into obtaining paranormal weapons and exploits. Upon coming across an experiment of the […]