Kevin Smith Loves Edgar Wright’s “Scott Pilgrim”
When Kevin Smith talks, geeks listen. How do I know this? Well, because I’m a pretty huge geek myself. He is getting the geeks of the world all hot and bothered as he talks about Edgar Wright’s upcoming release Scott Pilgrim, which is based on a series of graphic novels of the same name. Scott […]
Scott Pilgrim Film Breaks from Books After Third Book?
MTV says so, well actually Edgar Wright tells MTV so, and for fans of the books that might be a tad disappointing if not for all the raves coming out of the two test screenings that have been done over the last couple months. Here is a snippet of what Wright said: “It stays pretty true to […]
Scott Pilgrim Pics!!!
I have decided this is my most anticipated film of 010, show me a trailer! Enjoy the first two official pics!
Pilgrim Vlogs and What is Paul?
First off we have a new vlog from the set of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, then it is followed by a blog from this films director, Edgar Wright, connecting to his old mates Simon Pegg and Nick Frost on the set of Paul over at What is Paul? Fist Vlog 10 for Pilgrim: Blog […]
New Scott Pilgrim Vlogs
Enjoy, this flick can’t get here soon enough! Bonus Blog – Watching the blogs – Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World from Scott Pilgrim The Movie on Vimeo.
New Scott Pilgrim Vlog!
The next in the series of looks at one of the top movies you should be looking forward too (even if Cera’s latest vehicle sucks). Remember Edgar Wright is the director here, Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead, have hope. Enjoy!