Posted: July 28, 2009 at 1:33 pm / by zac / comments (0)
Film, Local
Pilgrim Vlogs and What is Paul?
First off we have a new vlog from the set of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, then it is followed by a blog from this films director, Edgar Wright, connecting to his old mates Simon Pegg and Nick Frost on the set of Paul over at What is Paul?
Fist Vlog 10 for Pilgrim:
Blog 10 – Clash At Demonhead – Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World from Scott Pilgrim The Movie on Vimeo.
Now the Fisbee to Paul: (and be sure to follow the link to lots of video from that films set as well)
*Bonus* Blog – Frisbee – Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World from Scott Pilgrim The Movie on Vimeo.