Marvel Announces New “Miracleman” From Morrison & Quesada
Over the past year, Marvel has been releasing reprints of Miracleman (every issue has been out of print for the past 20 years) from British publisher Eclipse Comics. The book was written by Alan Moore and featured art from Alan Davis, Garry Leech, Chuck Austin, Rick Veitch, and John Totleben. Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham would pick […]
Comic Book Commentary: Horror Comics
In the 40’s and 50’s, the comic book industry was riding a massive wave of popularity. DC Comics had taken off with the introduction of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, etc. Other companies were flourishing as well but for completely different reasons. The biggest of these companies was EC Comics or Entertaining Comics. They began a […]
Watchmen Archival Footage
A couple of great Watchmen “News Reels” worth pointing out. Both awesome. 29 Days till Midnight…
We will get to watch the Watchmen on time!
No delays, no cuts, but Warner probably dropped a good chunk of change. Details here.