Let’s Talk Evolution: 4G Cell Service in St. Louis
You’ve heard the buzzword before: “4G“. It sounds like something you want. All your friends have it. You have that one friend on Facebook that won’t shut up about it. But you like your phone. Why would you need extra geebee’s and wifi’s? I’ve already explained 4G LTE and what it means to us here in […]
HTC Makes Smartphone Shopping Easy: Buy a One X
For the year 2012, shopping for smartphones is pretty easy. Specifically, shopping for an Android smartphone is incredibly easy this year. For Apple’s iPhone, it’s been simple: buy the newest one. It’s always at the $200 price point, has the latest version of iOS, and will last you the entire two-year cellular contract. You can […]
Cellular Calls: This is Why I Drop (ATT 99% Call Reliability)
I was listening to the radio one fine evening and an interesting ad for AT&T came on the radio. “99% call reliability, but we can do better.” So only a 1% drop call rate? But isn’t AT&T the company that’s most widely known for dropped calls? Doing a quick Google search for “at&t dropped calls” […]
Sprint Serving Up Almost Twice the Data of Competitors
A recent study performed by Validas has crowned Sprint as the new King of Bandwidth Hogs. When compared amongst the Big Four, the results from 47,000 phone bills spanning the last twelve months put Sprint’s numbers at almost twice the average per month than the competition. It should come as no surprise: Sprint is the […]