Local, St. Louis Events
St. Louis Baconfest Returns
The Log
The centerpiece of Baconfest, though, is going to be the world-record Hog Log, which is going to require a giant custom-made grill. If you haven’t had a hog log before, chances are your heart’s in better shape than mine. At its core is a solid packing of bacon, which is then wrapped in sausage. This concoction is then wrapped in a lattice of bacon and will then be grilled for at least six hours. Last year’s Hog Log weighed in at a hefty 500 pounds, but this year, they’re aiming even higher. “This year it will be twice the size and weight as last year: 1,000 pounds and 100 feet long,” Matt says. In addition to hand-rolling the log, they’ll also be creating the grill. “On Friday morning we’re building a grill out of cinder blocks, cement board, and metal grates. It will be 102 feet long and weigh over 23,000 pounds.”
Normally, creating an epic food entity such as this would require a tremendous amount of money, but thankfully, Team Bacon got some help from Farmland, who is donating 500 pounds of bacon for the construction of the Hog Log. “A Farmland employee heard about Baconfest through word of mouth and reached out to us. After a few phone conferences, we agreed it would be mutually beneficial to partner up,” Matt explains. In addition to the donation, Farmland will also be setting up a 1,200 square foot tent and host various events and giveaways to the crowd, including up to 1,000 pounds of bacon samples.
The Activities
Even if you’re not there to get a slice of the Log (if you’d like to try a piece, you’ll likely have to get in a decent-sized line; last year so many people wanted a piece neither Matt was able to get a slice), there’s plenty of other stuff to check out while you’re down there.
In addition to the food vendors, there will be beer vendors as well as bacon-themed drinks. T-shirts and other merchandise such as coozies and wristbands will be sold as well.
KSHE, one of the sponsors, will be broadcasting live from Baconfest between 10-2 and will be playing music throughout the day. The spotlight, though, will be on the live acts performing. Artists such as Steve Ewing, Lunar Levitation, Christina J, and Earl will be on stage throughout the day.
Baconfest is expected to run from 11 in the morning until 9pm. Admission to Baconfest is free, and there will be some free samples throughout the event.
As far as everything else, it might be a good idea to bring some extra cash. Although some vendors will be accepting credit cards, it isn’t a guarantee they will. If you’re hoping to get a piece of the Hog Log, it will cost you $5. In an altruistic move, though, Willer indicated that all proceed from the Hog Log (as well as tip money from the beer and t-shirt booths) will be going to the USO of Missouri. So hey, you’re not only enjoying bacon, you’re doing some good.