Local, Technology
The New MSN: Take a Tour From Joel McHale, Julie Bowen, and Brian Baumgartner
If you haven’t already noticed, MSN has created an entirely new look for itself over the past few weeks. Little by little, parts of the msn.com website have been changing. Just the other day I went to their website, and I swear that the entire thing looked differently – like the new mostly white style (a takeoff of Google’s success with simplicity?). but today, the homepage is back to normal. The only exception is that there is a banner taking users to the video tour.
The tour of the new MSN is hosted by some pretty big celebrities. Host of E! televisions “The Soup” and NBC’s “Community,” Joel McHale is the first video tour on the lineup. It is pretty darn funny, as he starts out “Hello internet.” you just have to watch the rest. Other celebrity tours include those from “Modern Family” star Julie Bowen, and Brian Baumgartner – who plays Kevin on NBC’s “The Office.” NBC has a really strong lineup of shows featuring comedic talent right now, so it is no wonder they would have them host the tour of the new MSN.
Watch the entire set of MSN welcome videos below: