Posted: October 23, 2014 at 2:43 pm / by Kevin Brackett / comments (0)
Film, Local, Reel Spoilers
64: ‘Fury’ Starring Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman

This week we take on Fury the latest from Brad Pitt. Set in the waning days of World War II, Pitt leads a battle-hardened tank crew (plus one newbie) into battle with a gritty take on “The Great War”. Great discussion abounds as we talk about the amoral depiction of U.S. soldiers, some of the films “rape-ier” moments, and the importance of having a good combat nickname (like “Wardaddy”).
It’s Reel Spoilers #64 – Fury.
You’ve been warned.
Starring: Tom O’Keefe, Blake Fehl, Joe Buttice, Kevin Brackett
Run-time: 1hr 8min
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Download Reel Spoilers Episode 64.