Local, Movie Trailers
Tim Burton’s “Dark Shadows” Starring Johnny Depp
Synopsis: A gothic-horror tale centering on the life of vampire Barnabas Collins and his run-ins with various monsters, witches, werewolves and ghosts. Based on the cult TV series.
Starring: Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer, Helena Bonham Carter, Eva Green, Chloe Grace Moretz
Directed by: Tim Burton
Genre: Horror, Comedy, Drama, Mystery
Release Date: May 11, 2012
My Take: I am a Tim Burton and Johnny Depp fan as are many people around the world. That alone will be a reason that this makes a ton of money. That being said, I think the trailer looks okay. Until recently, I don’t think a lot of people would have guessed that this would end up being a comedy that it is. The fish out of water story is not exactly new ground to cover. Hopefully most of the jokes will not rely on this gimmick too much. I like the look of the costumes and sets. There is just something about it that rubs me the wrong way, and I can’t quite place my finger on it yet.
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