Movie Review by Matty: Final Destination 5 in 3D
If you were never a fan of the Final Destination franchise (or maybe just liked the first one or two) then you are in luck. Compared to the other ones, Final Destination 5 brings a whole new meaning to the word: gruesome. Watching it in 3D definitely helped the severeness and intensity of all of […]
Contamination 2011 The Sequel Photography
Contamination 2011 Offers Celebrities, Concerts, Parties, Movies & More! The area’s only pop-culture/horror/sci-fi convention all under one roof June 24-26 Dyer Straits Productions (DSP) presents year two of St. Louis’ only pop-culture, horror and sci-fi convention on June 24-26, 2011. Contamination 2011: The Sequel takes place at the Sheraton Chalet in Westport Plaza and is bigger and […]
Contamination 2011: The Sequel hits St Louis starting this weekend
Contamination 2011 Offers Celebrities, Concerts, Parties, Movies & More! The area’s only pop-culture/horror/sci-fi convention all under one roof June 24-26 Dyer Straits Productions (DSP) presents year two of St. Louis’ only pop-culture, horror and sci-fi convention on June 24-26, 2011. Contamination 2011: The Sequel takes place at the Sheraton Chalet in Westport Plaza and is bigger and […]
“Final Destination” 6 and 7 Are Filming Back To Back
Had you told me ten years ago that writers would be able to come up with enough giant, creative death traps for good looking teenagers to get killed in to warrant 7 films then I would have called you crazy. But that just might be what we have here. “But Tim, the fifth film in […]