‘KICK-ASS’ Lives Up To Name, But Falls Short At Box Office
The moment many movie buffs and comic book fans alike have been waiting for finally came true this weekend. “KICK-ASS,” based on the comic book by Mark Millar, hit the big screen Friday after receiving a warm reception from virtually every screening and festival it showed at. Unfortunately the hype wasn’t quite enough, and numbers […]
Brand New Set of “Kick-Ass” Posters
With only a little more than a month to go until the wide release of Kick-Ass, the people behind it seem to be continuing their marketing onslaught to the internet. It seems they give us something new to drool over every week. With the amount of clever marketing they are doing, I’ll be surprised if […]
Another New ‘Kick-Ass’ HD Trailer
This is another one of those movies that is making me incredibly excited about the prospects of 2010. My main worry is that the film will cover more than the comic has. It’s been almost two years since I started reading Kick-Ass, and it would kind of suck to not be able to finish the […]