Marvel Announces New “Miracleman” From Morrison & Quesada
Over the past year, Marvel has been releasing reprints of Miracleman (every issue has been out of print for the past 20 years) from British publisher Eclipse Comics. The book was written by Alan Moore and featured art from Alan Davis, Garry Leech, Chuck Austin, Rick Veitch, and John Totleben. Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham would pick […]
Comic Review: Action Comics #19 by Andy Diggle & Tony Daniel
Action Comics #19 Written by Andy Diggle Art by Tony Daniel Finally!! Redemption has arrived. After much suffering at the hands of the creative teams on both of the main Superman books (Grant Morrison/Rags Morales on Action Comics & George Perez/Jesus Merino on Superman), we are finally treated to the new creative duo in Andy Diggle (The Losers & Green […]
DC Universe Animated Original Movies have been some of my favorite productions in recent years. One of the reasons for this is the great production team led by Bruce Timm. Timm is the genius behind Batman: The Animated Series, Superman: The Animated Series, and Justice League. Since Justice League Unlimited was cancelled, Bruce and his […]