Buckeye Brad Reviews “Machete” From Director Robert Rodriguez
Insanity The movie “Grindhouse” had a mock trailer of “Machete”, and Rodriguez decided to expand on this mock trailer plus the character Machete was also in Rodriguez kid flicks spy kids 1,2, and 3. The Movie “Machete” Driected by Robert Rodriguez and Ethan Maniquis, written by Rodriguez and his cousin Alvaro Rodriguez is one of […]
Brad Reviews “Despicable Me” Starring Steve Carrell
“LIGHT BULB!” “Despicable Me” is not a story rich with content stunning in animation as Pixar offerings, instead settles for being good fun, goofy, and a little heart worming, it hardly seems like settling at all. Universal Studios animation decided to take on Pixar this summer they had a tough job. The film is not […]
Brad Reviews “Cyrus” starring Jonah Hill and John C. Reilly
“I am SHREK” I love to go to Independent Films. Most of these films will have actors and actresses step out of their normal type casting, and into a whole new world. I was hoping to see this in the movie “Cyrus”. I was very satisfied to see that the Duplass Brothers film will change […]