Star Wars Geeks Unite: Pre-Order Starts for “The Old Republic” and Droid Themed XBOX360
Apparently someone decided my day should be filled with daydreams of Jedi vs. Sith battles, because I’ve been bombarded with Star Wars themed merchandise today. It started this morning when I woke up to see the Star Wars: The Old Republic pre-order has begun. I promptly opened a line of credit so I could purchase […]
VIDEO: E3 2011 BioWare’s “Star Wars: The Old Republic” Opening Cinematic
“Shut up and take my money!” That is what I keep screaming at the computer monitor every time a new clip for BioWare’s much-anticipated MMORPG, Star Wars: The Old Republic, is released. I’m pretty sure if BioWare put a gun in my hand and told me to do horrible things to ensure the release of […]
2010 San Diego Comic Con – DC Universe Online – “Who Do You Trust?” HD Trailer
I’m not really an MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, for those not in the know) type of person, but within the next year there are two MMO’s that I am looking forward to, that I will probably have to break down, and upgrade my computer to current gaming levels. The first of these […]
New “Star Wars: The Old Republic” Trailer – “Hope”
One thing is evident from all the media coming out from BioWare about their next entry, Star Wars: The Old Republic, it is going farther than any game they’ve ever done. So far, the two cinematic trailers released for the game have been absolutely wonderful. The game looks absolutely wonderful, and it is looking more […]
Q&A Review – Mass Effect 2
Below you will find a Q&A between Lauren and myself in which we had a casual conversation over Mass Effect 2 and what we liked and disliked about the game, or expectations going in, and our outlook on the future of the series. So take a look if you are a fan of the series […]
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 Trailer
I’m a huge Star Wars fan. Which is to say, I’m a huge geek. I know it, and I wear my badge proudly. Although, my love for Star Wars has waned over the years, due to disappointment after disappointment. I don’t know if this is due to my high expectations or just poor quality control […]