Local, Movie News
Red Skull is Confirmed as “Captain America” Villain
There has been a glut of information lately about the Captain America movie, mainly due to the fact that Joe Johnston is promoting his latest film, The Wolfman. Luckily a lot of the members of the press have had the foresight to ask him about his upcoming project which will start filming here in the next couple months. Johnston has talked about the uniform of Captain America, which will apparently start out very similar to the original Jack Kirby drawn uniform. After Steve Rogers starts going into battle he creates a new piecemeal version of the uniform that will be a mix of the uniform and stand issue Army gear (for example, the stripes in the mid section will be straps).
The biggest news to come out lately, is that the main villain of the story will be the Nazi Red Skull, who Captain America must take down in order to stop the Axis and their plans during WWII. The majority of the story will take place in WWII, with bookends in modern era.
“Virtually the entire story except the bookends are in World War II because we all recognize we have one chance to tell the origin story of how he became Captain America, you can’t tell a modern story and then go back and tell the origin story. If you’re going to do it, let’s do it. Let’s do it first. Everyone wanted to tell an origin story. There was a version where it was a modern story and it didn’t work.”
I’m thinking I’m not the only one who is hoping they will do a gritty WWII style super hero movie, maybe Band of Brothers meets Spider-man?