Local, Movie News
Links for 9-5
-Russell Crow could be Watson in Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes!? Oh please make it so! Or he might be someone else, or maybe no one, we will have to wait and see.
-All kinds of Chuck Palahnuk adaptation wheels are turning, sounds great to me, I love his stuff!
-Check out the banned Zack and Miri Poster to the right!
-More Nathan Fillion is always a good thing! And he is re-teaming with his Slither director James Gunn, some of the Firefly cast, and some pornstars.
-Sam Rockwell’s next sounds like it could be pretty good! “Hoosiers, meets Half Nelson, and Bad News Bears,” sounds like a winning combo.
–The Brothers Bloom has been delayed until December, no!!!!
-Mark Millar (Wanted) might script Superman trilogy reboot?
-Only one more episode of Flight of the Conchords? That makes me sad.
-Here is the new Zack and Miri preview, and is officially rated so it won’t be pulled.
-Stephen Sommers is close to directing a new version of Tarzan. At least he should make it cool to look at.
–Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV show will beam onto your televisions weekly starting October 3rd at 9PM est. I will be there.
-Are the Turtles going live action again with a Batman Begins darker and brooding orgin story? The original was already far darker then the second and third films, and TMNT (the cgi film) got darkish again as well.
-The Watchmen are going to trial this January.
-Damon Lindelof talks The Dark Tower series adaptation, which we won’t see until at least Lost has finished.
-The Appaloosa posters look great, as does the movie, as it slowly works its way up my most anticipated films. This will be the winter of Viggo, fyi.
-Guillermo Del Toro is pretty busy, pretty, pretty busy, till like 2017. And here is a bit more info.
-Here is the trailer for Gus Van Sant’s Milk, and it is an amazing cast and trailer, about the gay rights activist senator of the same name.
–Ghostbusters III being pushed forward, with writers from The Office.?
-The guy who does all the great hand drawn movie posters is retiring, so sad. Check out his work here.
-Here are some Toronto Film Festival mini reviews. Rock n’ Rolla, Religulous, and Appaloosa all earn good words.
-Paul Bettany will star in Creation, a Charles Darwin biopic. He should be familiar with the part as he dabbled in his studies for Master Commander.
-Even more big time directors might be jumping on the Heavy Metal film being bubbled to life.
-Is Damon going to be working with Fincher on Torso?
That does it!