Posted: March 4, 2010 at 9:46 pm / by Kevin Brackett / comments (0)
Local, Television News
Haeley Vaughn Eliminated Tonight on American Idol Season 9, Going Home
Thursday night on “American idol,” over 27 Americans voted and decided who would be sent home. America decided that 16-year-old Haeley Vaughn just didn’t have what it took to stay in the competition. On Wednesday, Haeley performed “The Climb” by Miley Cyrus. But tonight, it was time for Haeley to hop back on the plane leaving from LAX.
Get to know Haeley Vaughn from Ft. Collins, Colorado:
Haeley Vaughn chats about bringing a new element to the show. She also reveals who she has a major crush on.
Click here to see who else was voted off tonight.