Posted: August 7, 2010 at 6:07 am / by Kevin Brackett / comments (1)
Local, Viral Videos
Christopher Nolan’s “Inception” Mash-Up With “Up” (Viral Video)
Check out this awesome fan created mash-up trailer, combining Christopher Nolan’s “Inception” with Disney-Pixar’s “Up.”
From YouTube:
[hdplay id=109 width=595 height=375]iwantmyTVNOW
First Off i am super excited to see Inception. Its the only movie that matters this year and after seeing the newest trailer I had to do a follow up to my other Inc UP tion trailer. ENJOY! COMMENT, RATE, SUBSCRIBE!!!! MADE FOR FUN!!!! NOT FOR PROFIT!!!!
Editing program is MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 15 Plus
I think the trailer looked great. The editor chose great scenes to go with the dramatic music from the “Inception” trailer, and chose the scenes to lip sync very wisely. All of the times that characters from “Up” talked, it seemed to flow seamlessly. Well done!