Local, Opinion

09 So Far, Has it Been Average?

Posted: July 3, 2009 at 2:26 pm   /   by   /   comments (0)

grading-scaleSo a few days ago I wrote an article summing up the year so far and how I thought we were having a pretty solid year being put together. Well, we might have some standouts, but I did a little math I got what the average score was for movies I’ve seen so far this year and the results are pretty average.

09 Films are average a score of 7.56 or a C for the year so far, so maybe we aren’t really having quite the stand up year I thought. Hopefully the rest of the year can bring our average up a bit, and the scary thing is I know there was a good amount of crap I haven’t even seen and probably won’t either.

So put it on the record that we are at a C Average for 09 and lets see where it ends up before the winter and again at the end of the year.