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“The Joneses” HD Trailer, Starring David Duchovny and Demi Moore
David Duchovny isn’t one of my favorite actors, but he does radiate a certain sense of confidence that does him well on shows like Californication, and a movie like The Joneses. The film looks like a great take on the way our current American consumer system is based. Everyone has to keep up with the Joneses, and he who has the most toys when they die wins, right? It isn’t far fetched at all that someone would market new items by using peer pressure, and popular people. I don’t doubt that there are certain people who just seem to be trend setters, and other times there are people you just want to be better than. I’m hoping The Joneses will contain enough wit, and not too much lecturing on the dangers of American consumerism.
Demi Moore and David Duchovny star as a seemingly perfect couple who, along with their equally perfect teenagers — Amber Heard (Zombieland, Pineapple Express) and Ben Hollingsworth (The Beautiful Life) — move into an upscale gated community. The Joneses have better goods and game than any other family in town. The only problem is they’re not a family -they are employees of a stealth marketing organization, and they know how to make everyone else want what they’ve got.