Tag: google android
Next Nexus Exposed? Google Nexus 4G Pictures, Specs Revealed
BGR released the latest details today about Google’s upcoming Nexus-branded Ice Cream Sandwich superphone due to release this November. Some of the expected specs such as a dual-core processor along with 1 GB of RAM, 1080p video capture, and 4G support are present. But there are a few surprises that Google has in store for […]
Apple stays strong, Android is stronger… smartphones for everyone!
Gartner released their quarterly report today comparing the smartphone market in the first quarter of 2010 with 2011. The latest data puts the numbers at an overall sales increase of 84.88% since this time last year with over 100 million smartphones sold so far in 2011. Smartphone sales have undoubtedly ramped up in recent years. […]