Tag: craigslist
Conan O’Brien Puts Late Show on Craigslist, Jay Leno and David Letterman Poke Fun at the Situation
Lately there has been a lot of news about the Conan O’Brien / Jay Leno situation. And rightfully so – everyone has their opinion, and their favorite late night talk show host, and the war is waging. But in my opinion, looking at it from an unbiased standpoint, I can easily see how both Conan […]
Chris Rock to Make “Will You Be My Black Friend?”
Chris Rock has signed on to be the star of Will You Be My Black Friend?, which could go down as possibly the funniest film title I’ve ever read. The concept looks interesting, but I’m afraid that in our all to PC culture that someone is going to get offended. I can’t help but think […]