Conan O’Brien Puts Late Show on Craigslist, Jay Leno and David Letterman Poke Fun at the Situation
Lately there has been a lot of news about the Conan O’Brien / Jay Leno situation. And rightfully so – everyone has their opinion, and their favorite late night talk show host, and the war is waging. But in my opinion, looking at it from an unbiased standpoint, I can easily see how both Conan […]
NBC Tonight Show: Jay Leno Is Back, Conan O’Brien Is Out
In this day and age everything is one side or the other. No fence sitting here. You were either Team Jolie or Team Anniston, you are Team Jacob or you are Team Edward. Now you are either Team Coco or Team Leno. Well, if you were on Team Leno you’ll be happy to hear the […]
Conan O’Brien Won’t Do Show After Leno, Says Sorry About Hair
It has been speculated to death in the past week, but Conan O’Brien has put the rumors to rest. To put it in Network terms, “He’s mad as hell, and he isn’t going to take it anymore.” Conan WILL NOT be moving with the Tonight Show if it is moved to the 12:05 Eastern Time […]
New 2009 Fall TV Shows – NBC
Hope your DVRs are ready folks! The new fall season is just around the corner. If you are anything like me I’m sure you’ll have quite a few new shows you want to watch, and I’m sure you will have some you want to avoid. Let’s take a look at the new Fall pilots for […]