104: ‘Pixels’ Starring Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Peter Dinklage
What’s worse than a movie starring Adam Sandler? How about Adam Sandler taking a big, steaming dump all over your childhood? That’s Pixels for ya. On the upside, Sandler just signed a 6-picture deal with Netflix so this might be the last time we’re forced to talk about one of his movies. We’re a “glass […]
Movie Review: ‘Jack and Jill’ Went Up a Hill to Fetch a Pail of Money
Let me tell you the story of a film. A young writer wants to make it in Hollywood and writes a hilarious screenplay that he also feels represents him as a person. He has a twin sister and wants the world to know what the relationship between two people, whose shared gooey womb has allowed […]
Roger Qbert Reviews “Grown Ups” Starring Adam Sandler
I’m a comedy snob. You should probably know that. That’s not too say I can’t enjoy a good pratfall or I only laugh if someone makes a reference to Kierkegaard. But give me Saturday Night Live over MADtv any day of the week. And I’ll take Kids in the Hall over both of them. Or […]